A Wife Loved Like The Church

100 Books for a Library of Hope

Posted on: June 9, 2011

Monday night, Jonathan and I watched this wonderful documentary called Building Hope. It’s the story of journalist, Turk Pipkin, who, after visiting Mahiga in rural Kenya, decided to help them build a high school. After the movie, we started talking about what our family could do to help. Inspired and motivated, we came up with an idea.

Why a high school? 

While the children in the area have access to a primary education, none of them have access to a secondary education. In other words, their education stops at eighth grade.

Why do they need secondary education?

Just like in America, without a high school education, you can’t go to college in Africa. And even if you choose not to go to college, ending your formal education at eighth grade, greatly hinders your ability to succeed in work or even provide for your family.

Why should you care?

There are countless stories around the world about the needs of the less fortunate. Each one as heartbreaking as the last. Each one pulling at our strings of humanity. Yet, once the story is told and we walk away, it seems too big to conquer on our own. And so we move on with our lives. But this story has hope. This story shows that one person can make a difference. That there really is something you can do. Something we can all do that will make a big difference.

What can you do to help Mahiga?

1. Grab a book off your shelf, any book, pre-K through 12th.

2. Write a note on the inside cover to make it special. Something like: “Here is To Kill a Mockingbird, one of my favorite fictional stories. A story of triumph and the victory of truth. I hope it brings you as much enjoyment and enlightenment as it has brought me. Love, Sarah from Austin, Texas”

3. Mail the book to:

It’s that simple. Just one book. Or as many books as you want to send. We are working together with Turk Pipkin and the Bazaarvoice Foundation to ship them directly to the school.

From now until July 4th, we will be collecting books. Our goal is to gather 100 books to send to Mahiga Hope. If we band together, we can have the books to the students by the start of their fall semester.

Will you join us? Will you help us build an even greater library of hope for the students of Mahiga Hope School?


This post is linked to Try New Adventures at Alicia’s Homemaking and Things I Love Thursday at Diaper Diaries.

15 Responses to "100 Books for a Library of Hope"

I love this!!

So that’s the movie ya’ll saw on date night? How wonderful! I’m going to get books now I LOVE this idea!

I volunteered with Cross Cultrual Solutions in 2005 in Dharmasala India and a man who went a few years after me raised money for a school there, this got me inspired to see what they might be needing. Thanks Sarah!

This is great! What a simple way to make a huge difference! I’ll check out our bookcase right now…actually all of our books from high school English classes are at my parents’ house so I should go there to check later. =p

What a beautiful heart you two have! There’s nothing better than being God’s hands and feet in this broken world. We are avid readers so I know I can find something good to send. 🙂


Ok, I just tweeted this and shared on my facebook fan page. Hopefully that will get you a few extra books. 🙂 Good luck and keep us posted on the progress.


I just might do this. Literacy is something I’m very passionate about!

Love this, I’m sure I have some books I can send! Thanks for sharing!

[…] any extra books on your shelves?  Sarah is gathering 100 Books for a Library of Hope. Like this article? Share […]

This is great! We are working with a local school here trying to build up their library as well. I love that you guys are doing this!

[…] 100 Books for a Library of Hope : A Wife Loved Like the Church […]

Sending my book today. Sorry for the delay! Hopefully it arrives in time. 🙂


We sent our books. Will we find out when they arrive? 🙂

Elizabeth, we did get your book! Jonathan got them at his office on Friday. Thank you so much!!

Yay! My kids were very excited.

A youth from our church is doing the African Library Project to collect 1000 books + $500 to build libraries in Kenya, where she is from. It made me think of this post.

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