A Wife Loved Like The Church

Labor Day – A Birth Story

Posted on: September 2, 2012

Amy at Finer Things is doing one of my favorite link ups – birth stories in honor of Labor Day {ha! get it? labor day}.

I love birth stories. Just hearing about babies being born brings a smile to my face all day. I have a dream of becoming a doula and having the priviledge of helping other mamas during their labor and delivery.

So in the spirit of Labor Day, here are my three birth stories ::

Julia Mabel – Born November 2007. My first labor and ironically my shortest…

Hannah Michelle – Born June 2009. My biggest baby, who now has the biggest personality.

Joseph Judea – Born November 2011. My sweet boy and ironically my longest and scariest labor.

Each labor and delivery has been a different but wonderful experience. I find it hilarious that my labors have actually gotten longer rather than shorter each time. I’ve even joked that I don’t want another baby because I’m not up for a 20+ hour labor. Ha! Well, there is a little truth behind that statement…

Be sure to check out Amy’s link up and read other great labor stories.

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